Christine Gedeon

Born in Aleppo, Syria, Christine Gedeon is currently based in Berlin and New York. She holds a BA in Studio Art and Art History from SUNY New Paltz and has shown her work in North America, Europe, and Asia through residencies and exhibitions at The WYE (Berlin), A.I.R. Gallery and BRIC (New York), and the Busan Triennial (Korea), among others.

Image: Christine Gedeon, Divergent Walks; Gridded Cities (installation views), 2013. Thread, yarn, nails and tape, 26’ x 11″ x 6’. Site-specific installation at The WYE, Berlin.

EXHIBITION: Flights & Landings

May 12, 2015 - June 12, 2015

Flights and Landings is a two-part exhibition of work by three multidisciplinary artists from three different cities: Brooklyn-based Tamara Gayer, Berlin-based Christine Gedeon, and Toronto-based Janine Miedzik. Known for their visually engaging, site-responsive approaches to installation, each artist will debut a large-scale project in one of the stairwell galleries at Artscape Youngplace (the Flights), complemented by a selection of smaller artworks representing object-oriented aspects of their practices in the project space (the Landings).

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