Refusal is an unwillingness to accept. In an ableist imperialist white supremacist capitalist cis-hetero patriarchy,1 refusal is also a mode of being that requires consistent rehearsal in order for one to sustain themselves against the violence of these interlocking hegemonic systems. How might we conceptualize Rehearsing Refusal? As a practice of consecutive gestures of defiance?2 Or, as a stepping into the power of otherwise?

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Artist Adee Roberson‘s billboard Transport Connection (Sister Nancy) is on view at 180 Shaw Street through October to November, 2023, as part of the exhibition this bridge between starshine and clay featuring works by artists Renee Gladman, Adee Roberson, and Rashid Zakat, and curated by Safia Siad. The exhibition explores and illuminates sonic innovations and architectures that create and hold space for Black aliveness. 

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