Tamara Gayer

Tamara Gayer is an artist transfixed by the city. Suspended between the impulses of an image maker and  those of a builder she creates work that mutates from drawing to installation to video. Born in NYC, gayer grew up in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv. She holds a BA from Sarah Lawrence College and an MFA from Hunter College. In New York her work has been show at Foxy Production, Exit Art, Smackmellon and most recently at toomerlabzda. She is represented in several prominent collections including that of the Museum of Modern Art where she has lectured on her work.

Image: Tamara Gayer, The Final Contraction (installation views), 2012. Self-adhesive vinyl on window. 23 x 135 feet. Site-specific installation at Smack Mellon, New York.

EXHIBITION: Flights & Landings

May 12, 2015 - June 12, 2015

Flights and Landings is a two-part exhibition of work by three multidisciplinary artists from three different cities: Brooklyn-based Tamara Gayer, Berlin-based Christine Gedeon, and Toronto-based Janine Miedzik. Known for their visually engaging, site-responsive approaches to installation, each artist will debut a large-scale project in one of the stairwell galleries at Artscape Youngplace (the Flights), complemented by a selection of smaller artworks representing object-oriented aspects of their practices in the project space (the Landings).

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