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Critical Distance
Suite 122 at 401 Richmond Street West, Toronto
WHO ARE WE WRITING FOR? A Creative + Critical Art Writing Workshop with Amy Fung in gallery at Critical Distance. Session 1: Sunday, July 7th, 2019 from 5-8 pm. Session 2: Wednesday, July 10th, 2019 from 5:30–8:30 pm. Geared for racialized arts writers and those thinking and writing about their place in the world. We will write through and alongside the things that move us (forward) and hold us (back). This workshop will be facilitated by Amy Fung. She is a writer who has been writing and publishing on art and other things since 2002. Before I Was a Critic I was a Human Being (Bookhug and Artspeak) is her first book. No laptops allowed. Please bring paper and pen only.…Find out more

Small World Music
180 Shaw St, Toronto, ON, Toronto
A FREE PUBLIC PRESENTATION BY AGYU VISITING CURATOR TIAN ZHANG WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2019 starting at 7PM at Small World Music Theatre, Suite 101 of Artscape Youngplace, 180 Shaw Street, Toronto, ON, M6J 2W5 AGYU and Critical Distance Centre For Curators (CDCC) are pleased to co-present a curatorial talk by AGYU Visiting Curator Tian Zhang (Sydney, Australia). A presentation of Tian’s work will be followed by a facilitated conversation hosted by Emelie Chhangur (AGYU), Myung-Sun Kim (Toronto Biennial of Art), and Shani K Parsons (Critical Distance).Find out more

Reading Groups at Gallery 44 and Critical Distance Saturday, May 18th, 12-3pm, at Gallery 44 and Saturday, May 25th, 1–3pm at Critical Distance Join curators Gabrielle Moser and Liz Ikiriko in a conversation about the gestures artists and researchers use to activate the photographic archive. Reading out loud from performance studies scholar Diana Taylor’s book, The Archive and the Repertoire (2003), and photography theorist Tina M. Campt’s book, Image Matters (2012), the group will meet across both gallery spaces to consider the “archival choreographies” deployed by artists to develop alternate histories from private and public collections. Free but please RSVP to coordinator@criticaldistance.ca for more information.Find out more

Live Performance System of a Gesture by Camille Rojas Saturday, May 11th, 1–3pm Free public premiere of System of a Gesture, choreographed by Camille Rojas, as part of the group exhibition An Archive, But Not An Atlas. Performance will take place outside Artscape Youngplace; in case of rain, an alternate location will be announced closer to the date.Find out more

Critical Distance
Suite 122 at 401 Richmond Street West, Toronto
Join us in the CDCC gallery for a talk with Calgary-based artist Nicole Kelly Westman. After this event, visitors are welcome to travel downstairs (or elevator) to Small World Music (Suite 101), for a 3 pm talk with Images Festival’s Canadian Spotlight artist KC Wei, followed by a conversation with journalist and critic Merray Gerges.Find out more