WHO ARE WE WRITING FOR? A Workshop with Amy Fung for BIPOC Writers
A Creative + Critical Art Writing Workshop with Amy Fung in gallery at Critical Distance.
Session 1: Sunday, July 7th, 2019 from 5-8 pm.
Session 2: Wednesday, July 10th, 2019 from 5:30–8:30 pm.
Geared for racialized arts writers and those thinking and writing about their place in the world. We will write through and alongside the things that move us (forward) and hold us (back).
This workshop will be facilitated by Amy Fung. She is a writer who has been writing and publishing on art and other things since 2002. Before I Was a Critic I was a Human Being (Bookhug and Artspeak) is her first book.
No laptops allowed. Please bring paper and pen only. Note: We will be writing and then sharing. No one expects it to be good.
Workshop is PWYC and limited to 12 participants so please RSVP to rsvp@criticaldistance.ca to complete your registration. PDFs for discussion will be sent out to registered participants one week prior to the workshop. Free childcare is available so do request this if it would allow you to participate.
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8 Canada + Google Map
(647) 930-6930