PUBLIC ART: Billboard on Shaw by Adee Roberson

October 13, 2023 - November 25, 2023

Critical Distance is pleased to present artist Adee Roberson’s billboard Transport Connection (Sister Nancy) as part of this bridge between starshine and clay, curated by Safia Siad. Roberson’s series of screenprints feature images of women across the reggae, dancehall, and lovers’ rock musical genres. Using a unique, personally cultivated, and intuitive printmaking process, Roberson’s print of Jamaican dancehall DJ and singer Sister Nancy is a neon multi-coloured remixed image that acts as both homage and alternative archival work. Sister Nancy is hailed as one of dancehall’s first DJs, and this image acts as a meditation and celebration of her contributions to the Afrosonic landscape. 

Transport Connection (Sister Nancy)  is on view at 180 Shaw Street, outside Artscape Youngplace, through October to November, 2023.

this bridge between starshine and clay features works by artists Renee Gladman, Adee Roberson, and Rashid Zakat. Visit the exhibition at Critical Distance Centre for Curators (401 Richmond Street West) from October 14 until November 25, 2023


this bridge between starshine and clay is made possible through the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts. Critical Distance gratefully acknowledges funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.

Image: Adee Roberson, Transport Connection (Sister Nancy), 2023, Screenprint. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Shani K Parsons.

About the Curator(s)

Safia Siad

Safia Siad is a curator and DJ. She is currently a graduate student in the department of Art History at Concordia University and works with the Afrosonic Innovation Lab.  

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About the Artist(s)

Adee Roberson

Adee Roberson is an interdisciplinary artist whose work is a meditation on symbolism and texture. Synthesizing performance and installation, her work melds vibration and technicolor visions through paintings, video, and melodic compositions.

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