PUBLIC ART: Billboard on Shaw by Nadège Grebmeier Forget

June 23, 2018 - August 5, 2018

Billboard on Shaw curated by Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau and Maude Johnson with the exhibition … move or be moved by some ‘thing’ rather than oneself., featuring After Rendering on View (Betty Rowland meets Angela Aames), May 27, 2017 by Nadège Grebmeier Forget.

… move or be moved by some thing rather than oneself. examines the intersections between methods of creation and reflection particular to curatorial and choreographic spheres. As part of the ongoing discussion on dance in the museum, this exhibition responds specifically by disengaging from the danced gesture. It gathers artists who, on the one hand, borrow from curatorial and choreographic methodologies; and who, on the other hand, transform the multiple spaces (physical, virtual, social, political, historical, etc.) and temporalities of the gallery.

After Rendering on View (Betty Rowland meets Angela Aames), May 27, 2017 is on view at 180 Shaw Street, outside Artscape Youngplace, through June to August, 2018.

This exhibition probes at the politics generated or renewed by these two approaches when (re)located together in the gallery space. What performative potentials will emerge from this juxtaposition of the curatorial and the choreographic? Choreography and curating are understood as two transmission systems able to reveal the agency of works as well as of the exhibition structure. Can the analytical tools provided by curating and choreography mutually enhance each other and be used as theoretical frameworks to address the relationships between artworks, exhibition, and publics in a new light?

After Rendering on View (Betty Rowland meets Angela Aames), May 27, 2017 is part of a multi-platform intervention by Nadège Grebmeier Forget, which consists of a selection of archival materials stemming from the performance Rendering on View (Betty Rowland meets Angela Aames) (OPTICA, Montréal, May 27, 2017) and divided among CDCC’s various communication channels, including the gallery space, Instagram, and the Billboard on Shaw, with … move or be moved by some thing rather than oneself.

Location and hours

Critical Distance Centre for Curators
180 Shaw Street, Artscape Youngplace, M6J 2W5
Admission is always free; building and gallery fully accessible
Google Map

Exhibition is on view June 23–August 5, 2018

Gallery hours are Thursday–Sunday from 12–5 pm and by appointment through August 5th
We are open on holiday weekends unless otherwise noted on our visitor info page here.

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Image: Nadège Grebmeier Forget, After Rendering on View (Betty Rowland meets Angela Aames), May 27, 2017, 2018. 8 x 8 foot billboard at 180 Shaw Street in Toronto’s West Queen West neighbourhood. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid.


About the Curator(s)

Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau

Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau is a Montréal-based writer and curator. MA candidate in Art History at UQAM, her research questions the effects of exhibition reenactment in contemporary art. She was the Assistant Curator for the Canadian Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale (2015), co-editor of the book Questionner l’avenir. Réflexions sur la réactualisationFind out more

Maude Johnson

Maude Johnson is a Montréal-based writer and curator. She holds a MA in Art History from Concordia University. She is interested in the relationship between bodies, times, and spaces. Her research explores performative and curatorial practices, while probing methodologies, mechanisms, and languages within interdisciplinary practices. Her recent projects have been presentedFind out more

About the Artists

Nadège Grebmeier Forget

Engaged in Montreal’s visual and live arts community since 2007, performance artist Nadège Grebmeier Forget embraces interdisciplinarity and curation in her practice. She is the first daughter of a runner-up 1960’s California Beauty Queen and has, among other things: enacted works for Karl Lemieux (The Seven Last Words, 2018), TeresaFind out more