Dream-Worlding with Dolleen Tisawii’ashii Manning
This workshop engages participants in a way of being attuned to the imperceptible, what one ‘sees’ peripherally, taking seriously those forms of knowing that have historically been pathologized in Western colonial logics as irrational and delusional. Manning will navigate the workshop through storytelling.
Please note this is a PWYC (pay-what-you-can) pre-registered workshop limited to 10 participants. Spots are first come, first served and reservable by filling out this form:
Critical Distance is committed to paying fair wages as well as reducing barriers to participation in our programs. Any amount (as in: no amount is too large or too small!) that you can contribute is much appreciated and we thank you for your continued support for our programs and initiatives.
Upon completed registration, participants will receive a confirmation and further details. All will be invited to bring examples of language, written, visual, oral to the workshop. Ideas include a dictionary, thesaurus, translation dictionaries, personal notes letter or writing you find meaningful and are willing to share with the group.
This event will take place at Critical Distance Centre for Curators which is located on the south side of the third floor at Artscape Youngplace–a wheelchair accessible building with a ramp at the 180 Shaw Street doors, and an accessible washroom on every level. Gendered multi-stall washrooms are on every level, and single stall family washrooms are available on levels 2 and 3. All levels are accessible via elevator and stairs. The TTC’s 63 Ossington bus stops at Queen and Shaw and is wheelchair accessible.
CDCC seeks to facilitate a scent-free environment in order to reduce barriers to access for people with chemical sensitivities, and we ask all participants to kindly refrain from using or wearing scented products or materials in advance of and during this and other events. Please read more information of the importance of going scent free here: https://
CDCC will provide ASL interpretation and attendant care during this workshop. Childcare can also be made available if needed— please inquire.
For these and any other access inquiries, please contact us at emily@criticaldistance.ca as far in advance as possible so that we can make arrangements to meet your needs. Late-breaking requests will also be accepted and we will always do our best to meet them but these will be subject to availability at the time of the request. Questions are welcome. Supporting your access is our priority.
image/description: Dolleen Tisawii’ashii Manning stands with her head tilted to the left and her left hand raised with the palm facing forward. She is a dark haired woman with two braids on pulled forward over a blue button up shirt.
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8 Canada + Google Map
(647) 930-6930