Astarte Rowe

Astarte Rowe is an independent scholar and curator currently based in Toronto. She earned her doctorate in Art History from the University of Melbourne, with a nomination for the Chancellor’s Prize. She has presented her research internationally, and has written for peer-reviewed journals on such subjects as Photoshop and Mannerism; anamorphosis and contemporary Indigenous art; the Lucretian simulacrum and Albert Namatjira; desertification and Australian Aboriginal art discourse; and William Palmer and Newfoundland Regionalism. She curated The Amoebic Workshop in collaboration with the Patterson Research Group from Carleton University.

EXHIBITION: The Amoebic Workshop

September 21, 2016 - October 23, 2016

Taking the great Renaissance workshops of Michelangelo, del Sarto, and Veronese as a point of departure, The Amoebic Workshop is an experimental, multidisciplinary exhibition that restages the Old Masters’ studios at a microscopic scale, where single-celled amoebas industriously, and invisibly, craft intricate shells for themselves that embody a uniquely visual aesthetic.

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