Dayna Danger

Dayna Danger is a 2Spirit/Queer, Metis/Saulteaux/Polish visual artist raised in so called Winnipeg, MB. Using photography, sculpture, performance and video, Dayna Danger‘s practice questions the line between empowerment and objectification by claiming space with her larger than life scale work.

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Geneviève Wallen

Geneviève Wallen is a Tiohtiá:ke Mooniyang/Montreal and Tkaronto/Toronto based independent curator, writer, and researcher. Wallen’s practice is informed by diasporic narratives, intersectional feminism, intergenerational dialogues, BIPOC alternative healing platforms functioning outside neo-libral definitions of self and collective care. Her ongoing research focuses on the intersections of longevity and pleasure as contemplative spaces for care work in the arts.

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naakita feldman-kiss

naakita feldman-kiss (they/she) is a queer artist of mixed heritage who lives and works in Tio’Tia:Ke / Montreal, QC. Their practice examines changing landscapes, contemporary applications of oral transmission, and intergenerational memory as forms of inheritance and legacy.

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